Stavo cercando sul dizionario inglese un modo per tradurre 'scaramanzia', pare non vi sia una traduzione esatta del complesso sistema di procedure atte ad evitare la jella o quantomeno a non sfidarla. Ci sono superstizione, fortuna, fato, malocchio, ma scaramanzia no. Esiste un augurio simile all'italiano 'in bocca al lupo' che letteralmente sarebbe 'rompiti una gamba' e posso tranquillamente dire di aver già dato. Rassicurata dall'integrità del mondo anglosassone, posso essere semplicemente ottimista per la mia visita di domani e affermare che oggi, Inshallah, a Dio piacendo, con il benestare di Yhavè, nell'indifferenza benevola di Budda, è l'ultimo giorno con il gesso.
Quindi ultima iniezione di eparina, ultima doccia con la sedia, ultime scale con le stampelle, ultima notte sul divano, torno ad usare il plurale parlando di scarpe e torno alle mie amate borse abbandonando gli zainetti. Non sembra male...
I was looking in the English Dictionary a translation for the Italian word 'scaramanzia' and it looks like there isn't such a word defining that complicated system of procedures aiming at avoiding, or at least not challenging, bad luck. There are superstition, luck, fate, spell, but no trace of scaramanzia. There's a wish similar to the Italian 'in bocca al lupo' and it would literally be 'break a leg' so I can surely say I already gave my contribution in that sense. Reassured by English speaking world's moral integrity I can simply be optimistic about my visit of tomorrow and state that today, Inshallah, for God's sake, with Yahve's allowance and hoping in Buddha's kind indifference, today, I was saying, it is my last day with the plaster. That means last injection of heparin, last shower sitting on the chair, last stairs with the crutches, last night on the sofa, start using plural by talking about shoes, start using my beloved bags instead of backpacks. Sounds good...
Quindi ultima iniezione di eparina, ultima doccia con la sedia, ultime scale con le stampelle, ultima notte sul divano, torno ad usare il plurale parlando di scarpe e torno alle mie amate borse abbandonando gli zainetti. Non sembra male...
I was looking in the English Dictionary a translation for the Italian word 'scaramanzia' and it looks like there isn't such a word defining that complicated system of procedures aiming at avoiding, or at least not challenging, bad luck. There are superstition, luck, fate, spell, but no trace of scaramanzia. There's a wish similar to the Italian 'in bocca al lupo' and it would literally be 'break a leg' so I can surely say I already gave my contribution in that sense. Reassured by English speaking world's moral integrity I can simply be optimistic about my visit of tomorrow and state that today, Inshallah, for God's sake, with Yahve's allowance and hoping in Buddha's kind indifference, today, I was saying, it is my last day with the plaster. That means last injection of heparin, last shower sitting on the chair, last stairs with the crutches, last night on the sofa, start using plural by talking about shoes, start using my beloved bags instead of backpacks. Sounds good...
coraggio cara! io ho la visita di controllo venerdi mattina e non ti nego di essere abbastanza agitata...
RispondiEliminaI think about the English expression "not to jinx it", like not to tempt the luck (i.e by celebrating too early).
RispondiEliminaI keep my fingers crossed tomorrow at 10:10 and hope for the good news so you can enjoy your both legs :)
PS. I promised you a green day video so here you have it, by tomorrow you will be among cast-free people:
Sariti thank you. Tomorrow I'll tell you. Good night. (and be careful, heparin works, I had something like a small bleeding tonight)